Ten Common Questions

10 Bible Questions

The 10 Most Common Questions that the world asks Christians are answered in this video set.   For more answers see my book: ANSWERS For: “The Hope That Is In You” that gives direct, simple answers to the world’s “hard” questions, answering more than 100 questions Christians are often asked by unbelievers.

Introduction to Ten Big Bible Questions Answered.

1) What happened to the dinosaurs? 

2) What happened after Noah’s flood?

3) Where did Cain get his wife? 

4) How did the different Races arise? 

5) Noah’s flood – what about all that water? 

6) What about Carbon 14 dating?

7) Did God create everything in six regular days?

8) Why do “bad” things happen? 

9) Does distant starlight prove a universe that is billions of years old? 

10) What about compromises with like the: Gap Theory, Day-Age or Progressive Creation?

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