Chapter 4   Humanism vs. Christianity

Chapter 4   Humanism vs. Christianity
            Humanist Dialogue

            Christian Resources by Charlie Liebert
                        Always Be Ready to Give an Answer.  A  Personal Evangelism Plan
                       ANSWERS For: “The Hope That Is In YOU!  Answers to 106 Questions
                       Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead! – Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!

Education begins with a foundation that consists of a worldview and a set of presuppositions about the world where we live.  In the early part of the 20th century education’s foundation was based on the Bible and Christian principles.  But by the middle of the 20th century, that foundation began to change based on John Dewey and others.  By the 1980s US education was based on the principles of Humanism.  Christianity was purged from the schools under the guise of “separation of church and state.”  The battle of these foundations is not new and began when Adam sinned and brought condemnation on all humanity.  These two worldviews are always at opposite positions on every aspect of our lives and the world.  Here is a summary of the contrast between them by Charlie Liebert.  In my life as a Christian, I have had many dialogues with Humanists and Atheists.  I’ve included the Humanist dialogue here to illustrate a Christian response to this worldview.

Humanist Dialogue

Some two statements in the “Humanist Manifesto III,” highlighted here, are important for Christians to know.

  • Atheistic: “No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.” 
  • Evolution only: “Rather, science affirms that the human species is an emergence from natural evolutionary forces.”

These doctrines made for an interesting dialogue I had with a Humanist Counselor, who is their equivalent of a Pastor: 

Christian (me): “We are on opposite sides of the question of whether there is a God. I believe there is, and you don’t. On the question of origins, you affirm the only possibility is Atheistic Evolution.” 

Humanist: “That is correct.” 

C: “As a Christian, I believe in a six-day literal creation. There are, however, other Christians who believe in an old earth and some who even believe in theistic evolution. I would say they are wrong in their theology, but I won’t declare they’re not Christians. The only model of the past that Christians exclude from the possibilities is Atheistic Evolution because we believe there is a God.

H: “So what’s your point?” 

C: “Christians have at least three different ways to explain the origin of life on earth: Young Earth Creation, Old Earth Creation, and God Assisted Theistic Evolution. You are limited to only one: Atheistic Evolution. That makes Christians much more varied and open-minded than Atheists. We have three; you have only one! Are we three times more open-minded than you are?”

Comment: At this point, many humanists explode in anger because they reckon us narrow-minded and themselves broad, free, and open-minded. You have just shown them how narrow they are, and they won’t like it.

One more challenge: “In the history of the Christian church, many rulers, philosophers, kings, etc. have tried to destroy Christianity. They have even, at times, declared it dead. Why, after many centuries, haven’t they succeeded?”

In 1776, Voltaire, the French philosopher, announced, “One hundred years from my day there will not be a Bible in the earth except that is looked upon by some antique seeker.” One hundred years later, Voltaire was dead, and the Geneva Bible Society was using his house and press to print and store Bibles. One hundred years from the day of Voltaire’s prediction, the first edition of his works sold for eleven cents in Paris, but the British government paid the Czar of Russia half a million dollars for an ancient

Bible manuscript. —Source: away/ February 15, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Used under fair use guidelines.

In the flow of history, the greater the persecution of Christian believers, the more rapidly the church has grown. Why is this? The logical explanation is Christianity is true. The more some try to destroy it; the more God preserves it.  If Christianity is not true, then there is no point in trying to eradicate it. Leave it alone; it should just go out of fashion and disappear. Two thousand years of church history and the continuing impact of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection on individuals are a stark testimony to its truth, its relevance to all reality.  Since the early church, thousands have gone to their deaths rather than renounce Christ. Read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs for examples. History is His Story and testifies to Christ’s reality!

You will face many challenges as a Christian witnessing to Christ’s life-changing power.  In my published books I’ve provided tools there to help you. 1) A Personal Evangelism plan, 2) Answers to 106 questions Christians often receive about their faith, and 3) Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!

Christian Resources by Charlie Liebert


Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! A Personal Evangelism Plan

Are you sharing your faith in Christ?  NO?  Why NOT?  Are you afraid of not being able to answers those hard questions your friends and family member ask that you?  I’ve wrestled with this issue for many years, and now I have a solution to share with you! “Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!” will lead you through developing your personal Christian evangelism strategy that gets to the Gospel before answering those unbeliever’s questions.   If you put the principles in this book to work, you WILL become a fearless evangelist for Christ.  Your fear of stumper questions will disappear! 

PART 1 The Personal Christian Evangelism Strategy.  
Chapter 1 Questions, Questions and More Questions
Chapter 2 Take Their Spiritual Temperature!
Chapter 3 Worldviews and Religions: Atheist, Agnostic, Humanism, Materialism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Marginal Christianity
Chapter 4 Biblical Christianity’s Uniqueness
PART 2 Your Personal Christian Evangelism Plan
Chapter 5 Ask the Right Questions          
Chapter 6 Your Personal Testimony
Chapter 7 FISHING for Men (Biblical Support)

ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You”.  Answers to 106 Questions

For many years I have answered hundreds of questions on my website  I’ve put those answers to more than 100 questions along with an analysis of Biblical Creation vs. Evolution in my book “ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You.”  Here is a reference you can carry to respond to those “hard” questions.  Don’t be stumped by the fear of not being able to “give an answer.” You can become a fearless evangelist for Christ!  See the book at

PART 1 ANSWERS to the Hard Questions
Chapter 1 Challenge Questions from Unbelievers
Chapter 2 Science: Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Geology, Scientific Laws vs. Evolution
Chapter 3 Questions about the Bible
Chapter 4 Origins: Creation & Evolution Questions
Chapter 5 History and Culture
Chapter 6 Dinosaurs    
Chapter 7 Noah’s Flood
PART 2 The Origins Debate
Chapter 8 Science and the Past
Chapter 9 Cultural Context
Chapter 10 Creation   
Chapter 11 Evolution
Chapter 12 Living Organisms
Chapter 13 Implications of Evolution: Value of Human Life & Racism’s Evolution Connection

Without 3 Miracles, Darwin’s DEAD!

Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!

This book shows irrefutable arguments that show Atheistic Evolution is impossible in a simple, non-technical source that Christians can use in their battle for men’s souls.   Evolution’s greatest failure is the violation of three scientific laws, the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics and the Law of Biogenesis.  I call these three arguments: Magic, Frankenstein, and Uphill Molasses.

Magic:  We’ve all seen the magician pull the rabbit out of the “empty” hat.  That’s an illustration of the violation of the 1st Law, something coming out of nothing.  With the hat or the Universe, it’s either impossible or an illusion but, in any case, it’s not REAL.  Failure ONE

Frankenstein: In Mary Shelley’s novel, Dr. Frankenstein takes parts of dead men, assembles the parts and produces a living person.  It’s a great story but we all know it’s fiction, yet Evolution would have us believe that living things came from dead things, chemicals. it doesn’t happen.  It doesn’t happen and no one has been able to make it happen. Failure TWO

Uphill Molasses:  The 2nd Law establishes the Universe is irreversibly running down after being “wound up” at the beginning.  Evolution is the opposite of this process.  It advances to more complexity, more diversity and new “higher” life forms.  Molasses doesn’t flow uphill and neither can Evolution. 

Other arguments include the missing, missing links, biological complex creatures, Evolution frauds, and complex “natural” processes.  Richard Dawkins said. “Evolution has been observed.  It’s just that it hasn’t been observed when it’s happening.”

Chapters 5-6 analyze WHY Non-Christians MUST cling to believing in Evolution. Finally, we’ll look at terrible costs it has on our culture.  Indeed, science proves Evolution’s IMPOSSIBLE!

Foreword, Preface & Introduction
Chapter 1 Science and Knowing
Chapter 2 Evolution
     The Appearance of Matter From Nothing
     Abiogenesis – Dead Chemicals Become Living Organisms
     Increased Information in Genetic Systems
Chapter 3 Evolution’s Three Impossible Miracles
Chapter 4 the Improbable Cliff!
Chapter 5 The Irrationality of Unbelief
Chapter 6 What’s an Atheist To Do?
Chapter 7 Cultural Impacts of Evolution
Appendix 1 About the Author – Charlie Liebert
Appendix 2 Charlie Liebert’s Testimony

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