KDP Publishing

Charlie’s Publishing Assistance for KDP eBook & Paperback

Charlie Liebert, an experienced author, will help publish your book on Kindle as an eBook and convert it into paperback for less than $1,000.  Charlie has 17 eBooks and 18 published in paperback on KDP.  Your cost of paperbacks for resale is less than ½ of what you pay a traditional publisher.  Send me a manuscript of at least 50 pages, and I’ll publish it on Kindle as an eBook and paperback.  It’s easy and cheap.  Here are the simple steps.

1) Setup & Approval. Send me your manuscript to evaluate.  If I accept it, send your KDP account and password, an email address, mailing address (P.O. is OK), cover page and a setup fee of $200.  Manuscripts more than 100 pages will cost $0.25 for every page over 100.   If you don’t have a cover, I can create one for your approval. The first three cover iterations are free,  (3+ = $35 each.

2) eBook. I’ll log on to your KDP account OR establish an account with your email. Your book will be set up there as an eBook.  When you approve the eBook on Kindle, pay $300.  You can stop here or go on to create a paperback. 

3) Paperback. If desired, I’ll convert your book to a 6” by 9” paperback.  All my templates are 6X9, so any other size may require additional costs.  I’ll format the book, and, if necessary, create a title page and table of contents.  I’ll NOT edit book content to correct spelling or grammar.  You’ll purchase a paperback proof copy from Amazon to approve.  Review it up to three times and make changes to your preferences.  Formatting changes are free. Editing changes to spelling or grammar after 25 cost $2.00 each.  Additional paperback proofs above three cost $35 each. 

4) Approval & Costs.  When you approve the paperback version, you pay $300. You now have a KDP account, an eBook on Kindle and a paperback listed on Amazon all for $800 to $1000.  Your estimated costs to purchase paperbacks as an author are:  B&W paperback with a full-color cover, not including shipping are: 100 pages or less = $2.15,  240 pages = $3.56  All internal color, 50 pages ~$5.80


 Publishing Step


Initial setup.  100+ pages = $.25/page


Create Color Cover (Optional)


Cover Iterations Above Three

$35 each

Approved eBook


Paperback Edits after 25

$2 each

Paperback Revisions Above Three

$35 each

Approved paperback


Total Without Cover


Total With Cover




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